Friday, December 12, 2008


Scritch scritch scratch!

I spies a birdie outside

I put mah right footie in.... noes, I not does teh hokey pokey.

I sees birdies in da air...
...dey flies away. Feh.

Another day in chez fourlegs


Anonymous said...

We hates it wen doz birdies goes aways. Wear doz humminbirdies? WEAR???

Hecate said...

Miss Thing has a scritch post just like that!

Anonymous said...

Window + birdies = kitteh TV!


Anonymous said...

Maddie, perfect Darling, if you're bored at chez fourlegs, pop thru the wormhole and visit US!!

WE have tasty birdies (in daylight), toys, mousies and all the delights of amorous gentlemen kittehs who will do anything to please you.

Please, please come visit. It's been too long, oh Goddess of Kitteh Ladies!

Silver, longing for YOU

Anonymous said...

Halllloooooo cuties!!!

Anonymous said...

Does Maddie curl her own whiskers or does she have a stylist do it? She has the Snideliest Whiplashiest whiskers ever!

Anonymous said...

My goodness! Such whiskers!

Do the girls do a lot of trash talking to the birdies on the other side of the glass, the way my Lily jaws at them?

Anonymous said...

Ripley, contact me on the KittehNet.
I've some private stuff to send U while ur Centaur's at work. Love ya, Sweetfoots!

Silkey, Christmas lover

four legs good said...

Do the girls do a lot of trash talking to the birdies on the other side of the glass, the way my Lily jaws at them?


much chattering goes on! the birdies are undeterred from their seed nomming related activities.

zoe said...

Video of trash talking, please. Consider it a holiday present to all the fans!