Bush and his chief controller, Darth Cheney, are vowing to escalate the war no matter what Congress or the American people want. Via the WAPO - Bush: 'We're Going Forward':
In an interview broadcast last night on CBS's "60 Minutes," Bush said he has the authority as commander in chief to move ahead with the deployment, regardless of what the Democratic-controlled Congress does in opposition.
"In this situation, I do, yeah," Bush said. "I fully understand they could try to stop me from doing it. But I've made my decision. And we're going forward."
Sounds like a "Bring It On!" moment to me. Someone should remind Bush what happened the last time he threw the gauntlet down like this. Hey chimpy!! "how's that working out for you bud?"
If chimpy continues to thumb his nose at the public and the congress, I predict that even republican senators and congressmen will finally get sick of him and pull the plug.
Too bad they'll be about 5 years too late.
Note: I chose the photo above because it's the perfect illustration of just how alone Bush is with his Iraq escalation policy and a good example of how powerful a well-composed environmental portrait can be.
Your words so truly capture what I cannot find the words to say, but feel so strongly. Same goes for the way you describe the picture.
I used to worry because I couldn't find the words to describe the outrage I feel sometimes, but now I know and am grateful for people like you 4Legs who can put words to our feelings.
And you have enriched my life immeasurably with your gorgeous, insightful photos of our Lion Kitty Maxx.
Thank you.
Fuck 'plush-life'.
Brave troll!!
Hey, troll-licious trog - if you support 'dear leader kim bush ILL' - why don't you go fight HIS war since you are averse to reading the truth about his sociopathic behavior!?!? Huh???
It would serve two functions, you would be helping the military reach their quota and you would be the h*ll away from Plush Life. Good luck getting your butt shot off.
Elspeth (not anonymous)
Ah, but trolls fear The Plush Life. They know they don't deserve the warmth and love of a bushy-tailed Plushy. Like the Dim Son, they do not have the courage to do their own fighting, so they lurk under bridges and attack indiscriminately based on their own loneliness and fear. A pox on them all, I say. Back to Plushy Adoration.
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