Could this be my new kitten? She lives in Ft. Worth and will be ready to come live with me the second week in January.
Update: Oy, February.
Second update: I've pretty much made up my mind. I'm in love with her. I'm calling the breeder back and telling her I want her.
third update, 11:31 am: Just spoke to the breeder and said that I want her. I hope Maxx approves, and I think he will.
Um, the only word I can find for this dumpling is "PROSH!!!"
FLG, you make the call - we are all here behind you! And we want to skritch her under her chin! I can see y'all curled up on a sofa on a lazy, rainy afternoon watching old movies!
Im coming home with YOU...what a sweet face
I'm sure they're excellent.
Get the kidden. You have a responsiblity to the rest of us.
I'll go with "prosh" as well. 2 cute!
wadda CUTIE!
don't expect the new guy to 'replace' maxx: 1) nagahapun and 2) s/he'll be her/his own kitty, and create her/his own space in your heart...
Oh, boy! What a cutie-pie! And look at those white toes! I can foresee lots of funny comments coming already.
P.S. This reminds me of the adorable before" picture of NTodd's Sam --
and shows the contrast from kitten to adult.
P.P.S. Oh, good! Go for it!
Holy cow! Do they come any cuter than this? Doesn't seem possible. I don't know how you're going to be able to leave the house once this little sweetness comes home with you.
she's already so photogenic! We will be so happy to follow her growing on your blog.
What's her name?
You can just guess she will be quite furry and plushy. Maxx would approve. (And we miss him)
4LG, you do what makes you feel good. And I'll always sympathize with you when she does that pesty kitten stuff. Why, just last night, Gojira, who ought to know better, was murdering her blue plush raccoon to the very noisy accompaniment of a dozen new paws she had somehow grown for playtime.
Oh, yes, yes......
Maxx would want you to have a new friend. Enjoy.
She's lovely!
She looks like a DAISY! (my name suggestion)
She's beautiful, fourlegs, congratulations.
Purrfect. Suzanna Plushette?
Maxx loves you so much, you can be assured that you will have his blessing. He'll find a way to let you know.
That is one gorgeous little kittylady.
Her eyes are just unreal!
Like emeralds!
That's a Monique, if ever I seen one.
Oh, yay! I'm so glad you're getting a kitty. She's a doll baby.
How about Mimi?
That's one of my favorite names and it's short and repetitive, all of which is supposed to be better insofar as their learning their names goes.
9toed nihilist
Peedy keedy. (/shameless cooing)
I'd name her Emmy.
1) Short for "Emerald Eyes."
2) A tribute to her photogenic, likely award-winning style.
3) When she "talks" to you, she'll be using the same consonant and vowel sounds much of the time as the ones in her name.
Too cute for words!
oh yeah, that's the one.
the name doesn't matter. it's the nick that counts.
maxx=plushy, steve=bubba.
you won't know the nick till you've had her awhile.
charley, can you stand it? the teh cute is overwhelming.
Awww what cute kitty!
Good for you fourlegs.
O fourlegs I'm so glad. She stole my heart the minute I looked at her.
You're going to have so much fun.
Look at those eyes!!! She is adorable. I bet you can hardly wait to get her.
WOW, what a cutie!! How could anyone *not* be in love with her?
Princesitas dedas del pies.
El León es rrronrrroniendo, ciertamente.
A most excellent cat! And she knows it, too. Don't worry about the name, she'll tell you herself.
Congratulations and blessings on your union.
Can you hear Maxx purring from his comet?
I think he approves wholeheartedly....
wonderful! my god, another comet contender for sure. comet.
That kittie deserves all the loving she will get from the centaur. Congrats, and good luck.
I can't even think of a just-right name for such a pretty munchkin. So happy for you, and for your new wee friend. And look forward to many pix!
Oh, she's gorgeous. Name her "Spike."
She is EEEEEEEP-worthy, isn't she?
I can't wait to rub her fluffy little tummy.
She is gorgeous. I'm so happy for you both.
I was lurking at Atrios' place and someone mentioned "Rosie" -- I love that name, and if she takes after Thers' Rosie, she'll be very entertaining amidst the chaos.
I think she looks like a Fiona. Too too cute. Congrts to you both!
That? Is adorable, and seems to fit the 'definition' of prosh perfectly.
Congrats, Fourlegs:)
Rosie, Rosie, ring around the Rosie!
Thanks digby!
Love the white socks!
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