Monday, April 30, 2007


I've been trying to reserve judgement on George Tenet. Ah, fuck it. No more.

Maybe it wasn't your job to make the decision about whether to go to war, but there's nothing in the job description of CIA Director that includes PR. It was never your job to help "sell" the war.

And quit whining about Bushco throwing you under the bus. This crew always finds a scapegoat- you were never part of the kewl crowd, so of course it was going to be you.

And I don't want to hear another fucking word about how "we don't torture" and how the AG signed off on everything you did. We're talking about an AG who thinks the Geneva Conventions are "quaint." Just forget it. We DO. NOT. BELIEVE. YOU.

So you want to tell us your little feelings are hurt? All the wingnuts are beating up on you for being disloyal? And everyone on the left is pointing out that you were too busy sucking up to Bush to do the right thing? I know that must be difficult for you.

But hey, I'm sure that $4 million dollar payday eased the pain.

I guess it's just too damn bad about all the dead soldiers and Iraqi civilians. Tant pis, eh?

Let us know how the weather is in hell.


zoe said...

right fucking dare this little sniveling nitwit try and make money off a policy he helped to create. I hope no one buys this shit book, and he gets slammed again and again - his poor sorry ass mouth does not play well here in So Cal.

Anonymous said...

I second or third all your thoughts about Tenet. Sniveling nitwit is good. Lying sack of shit is good. Traitorous asswipe is good. GITMO bound would be even better.

Larry Johnson's blog about returning the Medal of Freedom is a good one, as well as giving half his take to military families, et. al. LJ's at NO QUARTER.

four legs good said...

I don't think he's a traitor, but I do think he's deep into denial about his own role.

In difficult times, that's when people of principle stand up, even at great personal cost.

Tenet did not, so my sympathy for him is extremely limited.