Tuesday, December 09, 2008


That cat platform thingee was the best $100 bucks I ever spent.


Anonymous said...

A rosebud tongue slipping out from delicate fangs … seductive Maddie, delicious Maddie!

Queen of my Heart, will you lick with with that tongue, nibble on me with those fangs?

Queen of the Plush, can I slay a dragon for you? Or bring you a chalice of starlight to sprinkle in your fur?

Silver, prostrate before You

Anonymous said...

Holey Moley!

Extreme plushyitude and a bright pink tongue! Be still my beating heart!

Anonymous said...

Cats do love to climb up and survey their realm. I had a New Orleans apartment that had high Craftsman wainscotting with shelves. The cats would climb up to them and run back and forth and sit there and stare down on people.

Anonymous said...

Ripley, U know I love U more than anybody, right?
More than other gentleman kittehs, or kittenslaves, or even Centaurs. Right?

Just cause i can't come up with this "chalice of starlight" fancy-Dan stuff doesn't mean I'm less devoted to U, beautifulest Plushy Gurl!

I need a book of Elegant Phrases for Courting Kitteh Ladies.

Silkey, ardent but speech impaired fan

Anonymous said...

Can I just say how good it is to have new kitteh pictures again?
I needed them more than I thought I did! ^..^


four legs good said...

Can I just say how good it is to have new kitteh pictures again?
I needed them more than I thought I did! ^..^


What is life without kittehs?

Anonymous said...

What is life without kittehs?

A sad and plusheh-less place, indeed.

Thank you, Plusheh HQ.