So it turns out that Fitzgerald was on the list of possible "to fires." Fitzgerald Ranked During Leak Case
U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald was ranked among prosecutors who had "not distinguished themselves" on a Justice Department chart sent to the White House in March 2005, when he was in the midst of leading the CIA leak investigation that resulted in the perjury conviction of a vice presidential aide, administration officials said yesterday.Is anyone surprised by this? Let's put this idea that any of this was Abu's big idea to bed. This is pure Rove. As Wayne Slater said last week, Rove was obsessed by these corruption trials and felt like they cost the GOP the 2006 election. He was determined to make sure it didn't happen again in 2008.
The ranking placed Fitzgerald below "strong U.S. Attorneys . . . who exhibited loyalty" to the administration but above "weak U.S. Attorneys who . . . chafed against Administration initiatives, etc.," according to Justice documents.
The chart was the first step in an effort to identify U.S. attorneys who should be removed. Two prosecutors who received the same ranking as Fitzgerald were later fired, documents show.
This entire enterprise was orchestrated from Rove's office from the get-go. Unfortunately for them, the fired prosecutors aren't going along with the little scheme of having their careers and reputations sacrificed on the altar of GOP plans of eternal domination.
And guess who's going to be the fall guy for this little scheme?
Dear Abu, it sucks to be you, eh? All the best, 4lg
Dear Abu, it sucks to be you, eh? All the best, 4lg
Four Leggs, you are wicked.
Tho Abu G. does deserve scorn. He has certainly risen to the level of his incompetence, collecting large salaries from us taxpayers all the way.
How bad is the Texas Supreme Court, that he and John Cornyn were considered acceptable candidates?
How bad is the Texas Supreme Court, that he and John Cornyn were considered acceptable candidates?
Under Bush? pretty bad.
Cornyn is an asshole.
that's too scary for my
Madeleine, please
The question in my mind is how quietly will Abu go?
He's devoted his entire life to Bush -- personally -- not to the Partei. And as a reward he gets sacrificed for the greater good of KKKarl Rove.
I'd be pretty fucking pissed if I were him.
And he strikes me as a total weasel, not a good Partei man like Scooter.
I can see him turning on Bush.
The question in my mind is how quietly will Abu go?
He's devoted his entire life to Bush -- personally -- not to the Partei. And as a reward he gets sacrificed for the greater good of KKKarl Rove.
I just don't know Flory. I'm continually surprised by the way republicans are willing to lay down their careers for Rove and Bush.
It should be apparent to everyone that Rove will ratfuck anyone at anytime. Someone has eventually got to stand up against these people.
4Legs, as usual, you have my admiration for getting to the heart of the matter.
It should be apparent to everyone that Rove will ratfuck anyone at anytime. Someone has eventually got to stand up against these people.
Precisely. All the rest of the guys who've been sacrificed are loyal Repulicans. They've been willing to take their lumps for the good of the Partei. And they know wingnut welfare is waiting for them.
Abu would be the first loyal Bushista to get the boot. His loyalty has been personal, not political. Plus, he's a weenie. An immature weenie.
I can see him acting more like a spurned lover than a good party man and turning on Bush.
Flory has such exciting visions:
I can see him turning on Bush.
What Godess can we pray to for this wonderful event? We are asking for Justice (noble cause), but also juicy, humiliating Revenge (ignoble).
Is there a deity broadminded enough to cover both human desires? Richard Dawkins' book does not cover this situation.
I can't remember how long ago it was, two years ago?, but the Atlantic Monthly had a good (and utterly depressing) article on Rove's sliminess. He is a total toad. I keep wondering when oh when is he going to get his comeuppance? It hasn't come yet. Is it ever or is his crookedness going to keep him perpetually off the hook?
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