Harry Doghiney and his lovely wife gave a very nice pool party for the visiting hippies.

This is Angel. Sadly, I failed to get a picture of his sister Buffy.

Angel likes to run around the pool and bite at water drops. He does not care for swimming.

This is their lovely pool that Angel doesn't like to swim in.

Angel is tired from running and barking... but he is still teh HANDSOME!!!

A lovely rose, with an unidentified guest.
That doggie has a lot of shar-pei in him!
/Arthur J. GWPDA
Yes he does!!
Puppeh! I saw in an old Hammer Horror classic that vampires cannot cross running water. Maybe that applies to swimming pools too.
-mnkid (buffy fan)
The Doghineys even had Buffy and Angel handtowels in the guest bathroom!
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