Just because a new baby is coming doesn't mean that lion kitty Maxx will ever be forgotten. I've printed out quite a few of his photographs so his funny little face will always be close by.
Kittenz, astronomy, science, photography and other four-legged snarky stuff.
Yes, Maxx was the bestest cat ever … in Texas.
In CA, though my furry guys hold that title.
But the Lion Kitty beats even my guys for the title of Finest Whiskers Ever.
Love those little toesies.
Such a sweet, handsome boy.
Don't be silly, fourlegs. Of course Maxx will never be forgotten! You were the most dedicated and enthusiastic cat servant that it is possible to be.
As your love grows for the new baby, it will take *nothing* away from your love for Maxx.
You'll find a whole brand-new reservoir of lovin' for that cute little kitty. Maxx won't mind.
Yay!!! We're having a new baby!!!
Luna C
Couldn't possibly forget The Plushy One™. Not when he's right there in the intertubes anytime we wanna go visit....
Hee. Those giant feetsies of his just crack me the hell up.
I think he swung the comet around to pick up Barbaro.
I hope so.
I think he swung the comet around to pick up Barbaro.
Yes, indeed. What a lovely thought!
He is a sweet cat and always will be.
lkm - a fine old soul.
Yes, LKM will live in all our hearts, always and forever. Not only was he The Best Little Kitty In The Whole Wide World, he was a charming little Pigpen, as evidenced by the trace of pate on his chinny-chin-chin. The new baby will be warmed by all the love that spills over from dear Maxx. I can't wait for her to come home with you. Does she have big feeties too?
A great cat. Forever.
political cat, it appears from the photos that she does indeed have big feeties.
Most maine coons do.
Lion Kitty Maxx was handsome.
Sweet boy, with the loveliest eyes.
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