I am sorry to report that Molly Ivins died today from breast cancer. She was 62 years old. She passed away at home, surrounded by her friends and family.
Her voice and generous spirit will be missed.
Via the AP: Syndicated columnist Molly Ivins dies at 62
Her last column: Bubba, we -- yes, we --have to stop the war now
RIP, Molly. And take a ride on the comet. I'm sure Maxx will show you a grand time.
Although I know she had been going thru her 3rd bout with that demon cancer - this is still rocking my world to its core.
She was a the fresh wind of truth (delivered in suitably Texan style) in this crazy world, and now she is a true force of nature.
Molly, you are missed. At least I know you are in great company (and I am jealous) what with my grandparents up there, my old dog and cat, and I know you will get to visit with Xristi and pay obeisance to Lion Kitty Maxx (once he is done with his current comet adventure).
Blessings and comforting/healing energies to her family and friends...
RIP, Molly.
i think Molly would ne a good name for the new kitten...(8 days left now?)
Damnit. You made me cry all over again.
When I heard she was dying, I had no idea how upsetting it would be. But then I watched the news (which, in Texas, I don't usually do; but they led with Molly), and *%ing "Governor Goodhair" releasing a statement, and it just drove me to tears that somehow he got the last word.
I am off to have a shot of Tito's Vodka (made in a garage in Austin!) in honor of Molly, as all the bourbon I can find is Kentucky-made...
I think Molly would be a grand name for the kitty. But I'll defer to what the kitty itself thinks.
Great picture. Who took it?
9 toed
Actually there is a later column posted in The Texas Observer.
Enough Is Enough
9 toed, I'm not sure- I have some photos of her I took at one of her last public appearances, I'll post some tomorrow.
Just too tired tonight.
4Legs - take care of yourself! You're a parent-in-waiting for the little lionesse!
That's just a great image. Molly up there on the comet with Maxx and Barbaro and Saffy....and all the rest of our furballs...
I know that Molly is in no pain now, and for that we can be grateful. She deserves all the happiness that exists in the afterlife.
It feels selfish, but I really, really, want her to haunt the entire Bush administration. Not forever, just long enough to get them to resign, confessing all their sins as they go. Couple months, tops. Is that wrong?
my fervent hope is that she reaches across the veil and puts the bowl of yummy pretzels w/in easy reach of the chimp while whispering to him, "you know you can only have one!" thus he would have to (in his immature way) take her up on her ethereal dare...!
molly & max....seems right they'd hang out together.
and in honor, a new kitteh name:
moxie. [def: the ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage!]
What Elspeth said (re: pretzels). And Moxxie sounds like a perfect name for the new kidden.
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