Because I never get tired of looking at her picture. Though I have to say the monogrammed pillow is rather hideous.
But nevermind..... eeeeeeeeeeeeep!!! (as watertiger would say)
Kittenz, astronomy, science, photography and other four-legged snarky stuff.
Not just the monogrammed pillow, the whole background is too busy and brightly colored.
The little darlin' would show up better against an unpatterned, light colored background.
Good thing a breeder needn't be a good photographer to raise good kittens.
polly, I've seen worse photos, though these are almost certainly overflashed.
Probably done with a point and shoot 35.
She is adorable! And very plushly beautiful.
what a beauty! I'm so happy for you!
The word 'furball' was invented for this little girl.....
Oh, I am so looking forward to pictures of her as she grows into her plushness.
it's the white paws & general plushness that make it a Maine Coon?
I've a barn cat that looks just like the one in the photo- he's always been a real pirate for attention. Comes up to me, looks up at me verrry intently, and then- leaps straight up, attaching himself mid-thigh (lucky for me it's thermal underwear weather) & then I have to pick him up & pet him a while.
nick carraway
No cats for me yet, but I did get a mouse.
nick, maine coons come in all different colors, but the kitten is what's called a classic tabby w/white.
They come with and without white. The major characteristic is the fur, big feat and tufty ears.
eli, spill on the meeces.
I still say: Peedy Keedy. (Used to irritate the bejeebus outa Faridah Peeples when I would say that to her.) This one has a very kissable muzzlepuff.
she's got love eyes. wait till they land on you. its gonna be great.
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