Saturday, April 26, 2008

Woo Hoooooo!!

Since I'm about to give up on politics, I think THiS is excellent news!! T. Rex Protein "Confirms" Bird-Dinosaur Link
A new study of ancient proteins retrieved from a Tyranosaurus rex fossil confirms the long-hypothesized evolutionary connection between dinosaurs and modern birds, experts say.

The finding is the first molecular evidence that birds, not lizards or other reptiles, are the closest living relatives of dinosaurs, the researchers note.
I'm going to have plenty of time to complete my screenplay!

And just think of all the money I won't be contributing to presidential campaigns. I guess every scorched earth campaign has a silver lining. Or something.

Oh, never mind. Read the article, the science is fascinating. And next time you eat fried chicken, think of poor old T-Rex.


At Barry's house in Alaska. Most excellent! though I'm fairly sure his visitor from Europe doesn't think so.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Rerun kittehs

halloooo... why U disterb mah nap?

I not noes "outside"

I haz toys here anyhoo


admire mah pinx nOs, kai thx bai

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Miss Ripley TIME!!

Maddie haz been extremely uncooperative with the camera this week- so today it's all about Miss Ripley.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Time 4 kittehs

Eyebrows! a little blurry... Maddie doan want PHOTOS dis week

I haz a mousie and I iz rdy 4 mah closeup

Busy week for me.


The intersection of art and photography:
The Rhine Falls near Neuhausen, Switzerland, is illuminated by blue lights, overnight Saturday April 19, 2008. Swiss artist Charles Keller illuminated the Rhine falls with coloured lights, after it was only lit by two white flood lights in the past. The new illumination is a measure to improve the public image of Europe's biggest water fall.
AP photo by Steffen Scmidt.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Oh noes! an eeevil kitteh plot!

Uh ohs!! dey R in UR houz, using UR teknolgee, plotting teh take over teh WORLD!!

Queens of the plushy pad

Come closr, I haz vry pink nos

I rulz teh haff-pipe


I haz vry nice wiskers an eyebrowses

We should all have their life- kai thx bai

Fresh kittehs

I expect to be extremely cranky later today.

Happy Birthday Thers!

Happy birthday to our favorite whiskey soaked lout.

The kittehs haz knitted U a sweater from their fur.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Talk to da paw

"I lieks to stretch" (that's Maxxine)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

okay, okay, haz some kittehs

I haz been doing stuffz in meatspace. Like going to the gym and laundry.