Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday KITTEHS!!!!

Ceiling cAt!! oh hai!!

Oh I LURVES to do fizziks.

Mysterious cat is... MYSTERIOUS

Wut U mean "teabagging?"

We R getting ready to fight in the LOL Army of DOOM to take BACK NOM!! (as always, click on the photos for full view)


Thursday, April 09, 2009

More Guest kitteh....

JDW's outdoor kitteh Spaetzel.


Come closer Maddie so I canz smaxx U!!

That wuz funz.

Noes I not comz closer. I seez U waiting to jump on mah haid.

WHo me?? Do I look like a haid jumper onner?

Daily life chez fourlegsgood. UR internet starz hard at werk!! (as always, click on teh photos to see complete plushy guudness)

Oh noes!! 6 days

You guys must be shriveled up on a floor some where, whimpering for UR plushy fix.

In the meantime, I do believe the girls have been busy teaching their wormhole hopping secrets to the rest of the kitteh world. Oh noes!!