Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A Failure of Competence

AP/Dennis Cook

So's I wake up this afternoon and flip on the TV just in time to see the press conference at the capital of the republican contingent from the Katrina Response Committee. Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA), chair of the Select Katrina Response Investigative Committee, had some rather surprising things to say (for this day and age, anyway.):
"We are a separate and equal branch of government."


"Oversight is an appropriate legislative responsibility."

Gee, you think? Maybe if the republican congresscritters had remembered that, oh, about 4 FUCKING YEARS AGO, this country wouldn't be so screwed up.

You gave a dry drunk frat boy the keys to the kingdom and you're suprised that he and his gang of incompetent fucks have screwed things almost beyond repair?

Time for all of you to come over hear and jump on my razor sharp pitchfork.

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