Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Ronnie Earle on the hunt...

Via Josh at TalkingPointsMemo, Travis County DA Ronnie Earle is continuing to chase down Tom DeLay's ties to Jack Abramoff.
Today he subpoenaed Jack Abramoff's travel agent, the one who arranged the junket to Scotland in 2000. DeLay came along, and I think that it's fair to say from the $6,617.20 ticket price that he flew first class. The ticket was charged to Jack Abramoff's credit card.

Whoops! Those pesky little credit card statements get ya everytime.

1 comment:

four legs good said...

Um, that would be 'charged to his American Express card.'

Yes. LOL.

I'm betting that Abramoff wanted to make sure he got his airline miles.