Sunday, May 21, 2006

New York is doomed

Let's see, the experts are warning that a hurricane could devastate NYC and seriously damage the american economy.
Forecasters are warning that a hurricane making landfall at or near New York City could cause catastrophic damage in the U.S.'s largest urban center.

While a storm is unlikely to make direct landfall on Manhattan, a nearby storm would cause extensive flooding and heavy storm surges, experts say.

Even a minimal hurricane could put the runways at John F. Kennedy Airport underwater, and the battering action of wind-driven waves could cause significant damage to buildings, says Stephen Baig, a storm surge specialist with the National Hurricane Center in Miami.

It's May, and that's plenty of time for a heads-up to the chimpy assministration. Which means a hurricane probably will hit Manhattan this summer, and the federal government will be taken completely off guard.

New Yorkers, run for your lives!!

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