Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Your tuesday plush

Mr. Plushy and I are watching Frontline, "The Dark Side"

It's not making us happy, precious, no, not happy at all.


watertiger said...

If only Mr. Plushy were president.

four legs good said...

Yes, if only.

It would be paté dreams and vanilla ice cream desserts.

Life would be delicious!

flory said...

And exactly why are you subjecting an innocent furball like Mr. Plushy to the darksyde of Bushism?

That's just mean!

four legs good said...

He was comforting me.

Anonymous said...

Those who read the liberal blogs, and listen to Air America Radio, know most of what Frontline presented tonite. Still, it was hair raising to me to hear the whole story [or a big part of it] of Cheney's paranoia, power-hunger and deceit laid out so logically.

My furballs were no comfort, they prefer chasing mice in the moonlight to politics any evening.

Flory is right. Monstrous Rethug deceit is too evil for Mr. Plushy's tufted little ears.

Be comforted, Centaur: Joe Wilson said at YKos that he has faith our Constitution will brings us safely thru this crisis. Wilson has better judgement and more experience in Washington than me, so I choose to believe him.

Sandy-LA 90034 said...

I watched it, too. I was surprised at how little was new to me, since I've been a fan of the liberal blogs since about the time the whole Joe Wilson/Valerie Plame thing began. THAT's what gives me hope. There is a whole level of news that we are getting that the public doesn't get from the papers, t.v. and radio news, etc. Hopefully, the next election cycle will alert citizens to the advantages of the blogs as a source of valuable information.

Mr. Plushy, you would be a comfort to me any day and with any program on. You're just to cute for words, most of the time!