Saturday, July 01, 2006

Bobo attempts science

Bobo attempts to explain human bonding. With predictable results.
If I had $37 billion to give to charity, I'd give some of it to a foundation that would invent an Oxytocin Meter. That way we could predict who is headed for success and who for failure.


I figure if we can hang Oxytocin Meters around people's necks, we can tell who is involved in healthy relationships and who isn't. If you walked into an office where nobody is having an oxytocin moment, then you'd know you're in a dysfunctional organization and it's time to get out of there.

Because, of course, everyone who isn't in a healthy relationship is doomed to failure. Bobo has the analytical skills of roadkill.

If I had $37 billion, I'd build a rocket and shoot Bobo into the sun.

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