Bush put on quite the performance today in the rose garden. He's gonna SAVE US FROM THE BAD guys!! If only the democrats and appeasers will just get out of the way and let him do his job.
Let's be clear about what we're talking about here. Bush wants to rewrite Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions. He wants retroactive cover from the nefarious activities the CIA and others have been engaged in over in their little chain of black prisons.
He wants to eliminate habeas corpus and judicial review in the cases of enemy combatants. He wants tribunals that can convict people on secret evidence that the will not have the right to see. He wants the ability to detain people indefinitely without charging them at all. And he wants the ability to use "harsh methods" against those detainees in interrogations.
And while I'm happy some republicans are challenging him, their bill isn't much better.
I'm sorry, but that is not the America I love.
Conceivably, you could be tried, convicted and executed on secret evidence that was obtained from another detainee under torture without you ever knowing what that evidence is. And before anyone says, "but these are bad guys, they're terra-ists!!" let me remind you that this president has asserted the right to declare anyone, including American citizens, to be enemy combatants.
It used to be that when American troops came in, people cheered. "The good guys are here!! Huzzah!!"
Now they grab their women and children and run for the hills in horror. Take a good look at the photograph. That is what we look like to a good bit of the world. We are something to be feared and hated.
It breaks my heart.
Billmon has a thoughtful post us on the subject: A Tortured Definition
great pic for your smart post. maxx doing well i hope.
Thanks buddy. He is.
I was gonna say Bush wants to be king, but that's not it -- Bush thinks he IS king. And the goddam Congress should do as his majesty orders. You could see that in his face and tone at the presser yesterday.
The *single* advantage to the Republikkkan bill that I can see is that it doesn't retroactively get anyone off the hook. So we might still see some interesting drama at the Hague in the years to come.
Normally, I wouldn't even worry about Bush's bill because I wouldn't think it would survive judicial scrutiny for 35 seconds -- but I'm not so sure what the current supreme court would do -- or how long it would take them if they were to do anything.
What Flory said …
So is he George I or George IV? [Daddy G.H.W. was not regal, despite his faults.]
Since Brit King George III was the last king of our country … he was the legal ruler of our country until Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown. The American Conservatives of that time (Tories) called us real patriots rebels and traitors, as they still do today.
Our Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation were not effective until we won and threw the Brits out of our country.
So is Georgie W. the first or the fourth?
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