Tuesday, October 17, 2006

His favorite spot

Maxx is a funny little guy. He picks a spot he likes to nap in and sticks with it for weeks at a time, then for no reason that I can see, he'll abandon it for a new favorite spot.

His current one is the floor of my closet. Silly cat.


Thers said...

Sleepy kitty.

Pen Ultimate said...

Curly does that, too... but they're mostly the same spots, recycled. The bathroom closet, the walk-in closet (on my dirty clothes, always), the corner of my bed, the back of the sofa (a wintertime-only spot, it seems)...

four legs good said...

Sleepy kitty.

Kitties are always sleepy.

Anonymous said...

Kitties are never silly:) They are simply possessed of a wisdom beyond our mortal comprehension.

Anonymous said...

Not silly.

There are mysterious lines of electromagnetic energy threading thru our universe, even in Texas. Kitties are deeply attuned to all mysteries, and electromagnetism. So Maxx is affected by mysterious forces unknown to us mere mortals.

Though, as a centaur, Four Legs may have these sensibilities as yet unexplored.

Pen Ultimate said...

flg -- So, is Echidne's gift that keeps on giving still giving for you this morning? At 9:00 CDT, I was right at 900 hits... yowsa!

four legs good said...

flg -- So, is Echidne's gift that keeps on giving still giving for you this morning? At 9:00 CDT, I was right at 900 hits... yowsa!

It's crazy, I'm at 880. I think you got more hits because your link was first- but this is more traffic than I get in a week.

And from links that said, "go look at some kitty pictures."

Pen Ultimate said...

Silly, ain't it? :)

I'm now over 1400 since midnight... and they keep on comin', but it has started to taper off.

four legs good said...

It's funny, I'm at 1200, I'm sure it would have been reversed if the order of the links had been.

Not that I'm complaining a bit. Hopefully all those visitors will send Maxx some good juju.

flory said...

Well, you both got an extra hit from me. Not that that's any big surprise.

4lg -- I've got a terrible sore throat. Whatever you had must be running in the family.....

ThePoliticalCat said...

four legs good said... in response to jeffraham prestonian:

flg -- So, is Echidne's gift that keeps on giving still giving for you this morning? At 9:00 CDT, I was right at 900 hits... yowsa!

It's crazy, I'm at 880. I think you got more hits because your link was first- but this is more traffic than I get in a week.

And from links that said, "go look at some kitty pictures."

To which I reply:

You guys! First off, consider the source - when Echidne sez "checkidout" I waddle as fast as my fat little (metaphorical) feet will carry me. Second, consider the source of the source - it was posted at Eschaton, fercryingout, where half the blogosphere hangs. Third, consider the context of the comment - a post about the Idiot'nThief's Character Counts Week ruling. UGH!@! You need kitty pix to take the taste of that outa your brain. Fourth, consider the targets of Echidne's comment - two of the cutest kitties in the virtual world. Honestly! I had no idea you were so lightly, as it were, trafficked, but I would expect, given the number of catlovers in the world, y'awl's traffic has just gone up for good. May it reach dizzying heights and result in much good juju for His Plushiferousness and regrown fur for the balding Curly.

Anonymous said...

hey, i want cat traffic too.

sorry fourlegs, blogwhoring is hard work.

in response to your post, steve and tai do the same thing. in fact i just let tai out of the laundry closet where she inadvertently got locked in.

i wish we could lock bush in the closet.

four legs good said...

charley, he's moved again, abandonning one closet for another one.