She looks a little sad in the bottom photo, but she's not. She was just very, very sleepy after two hours of racing through the house like a bottle rocket.
She's eating like a cat four times her size and growing like a weed.
Kittenz, astronomy, science, photography and other four-legged snarky stuff.
Must be the breek. Maxx ate like a little piglet too.
And she looks very Maxxlike in that bottom pic.
Not the quizzical little kitten of most of the other closeups.
flory, she was sleeeeeepy... she could hardly keep her eyes open.
I'm going to be a Maddie addict, I just know it...
She reminds me of a puppy, arrying the feather around in her mouth....she is really a hoot! I second LIZZY....
Does she make little trilling purrs when she is carrying her feather toy?
She is just utterly heart-stealing, fourlegs.
Thanks for sharing her with us.
i think we need to praise maddie. i worship at the house of ra. ;)
Hallelujah Maddie!
Does she make little trilling purrs when she is carrying her feather toy?
Yes, and she's taken to galloping through the house with her feather on a stick in her mouth.
It's hilarious.
Is it my imagination or are the tiles in your photos 12" square. If so, by comparison, Maddie is huge at her age.
Yes, and she's taken to galloping through the house with her feather on a stick in her mouth.
This worries me a bit. She could stumble or trip and hurt herself with that stick.
[/worried auntie]
This worries me a bit. She could stumble or trip and hurt herself with that stick.
You should hear me, "Slow DOW!!! You'll poke your eye out!!"
Is it my imagination or are the tiles in your photos 12" square. If so, by comparison, Maddie is huge at her age.
No, she doesn't seem overly large, though she has grown in the past week. She very quickly went from kittenish, to small young cat.
I'll photograph her next to a coke can so you guys can see how big she actually is.
I love to picture her carrying the stick with feathers around -- they sure do learn all the grownup tricks as youngsters.
She's adorable!
You should hear me, "Slow DOW!!! You'll poke your eye out!!"
Mebbe she should only be allowed feathers without sticks attached....
She's really beautiful. She has big paws and ears -- she might be large when she finishes growing like a weed. :)
Her paws don't seem very big to me.
But then maybe I'm comparing them to Zach and Maxx, who both had paws the size of quarterpounders.
Awwwe, she's so dadgum cute. You got yurself a winner there, four leggs.
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