Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Oh yeah, kittenz

Hopefully, this is what she's doing right now. Dreaming of electric mice.


geor3ge said...

I want to bury my face in the neck plushy!

four legs good said...

She's not so plushy yet- I think between her diet and her activity level she's a wiry little thing.

Her adult coat is just starting to come in. But boy is she soft.

She's also still kind of little- you might could bury your nose, but not your whole face.

ThePoliticalCat said...

She looks more like her Uncle Maxx with each passing day. Someday she'll be equally Plushy!

Sandy-LA 90034 said...

I love that zonked little face! Sweetheart!

geor3ge said...

Aw, heck, I'll take a nose nuzzle. Plushy nuzzles are good for the soul.

Lizzy said...

How extraordinarily sweet and good and beautiful...