Friday, April 20, 2007

The first maine coon

And this was Zachary, my first maine coon kitten. He's about 10 weeks old in this photo. He grew up to be a mighty hunter.


Anonymous said...

The end of the week brings some reminiscing, I see.

's OK. We need to recall good times with pets that have gone on. At least I do.

The tulips on Sadie and Arrow's graves are in full bloom now. Spike's grave, being less than a year old, is still bare.

Plum Pudding said...

snif, sniff, sniff

(too much cuteness)

Sandy-LA 90034 said...

Absolutely adorable. Did the eyes stay blue like that?

four legs good said...

Nope, turned green.

Anonymous said...

He looks fierce!


Anonymous said...

Zachary and Maddie share that amazed look.

What was it in Maine that bred that look into their DNA? Or does it come from the little dears getting out into the wide worlds of other states, where they're learning the great variety of affectionate humans ready to love them?

zoe said...

Did Nikki ever know Zachary? They are all so beautiful, and if I have the timing right, Nikki must be at the beginning of your photography career! What lucky guys.

ellroon said...

What an explosion of fur puffiness! Especially the ear tuffs.

Well... and the whiskers and eyebrows and the little ruff and the chin and ...

He is so cute.

four legs good said...

He was cute. Yes, he and Nikki knew each other. I got Zachary when Nikki was about 8. Nikki went on to outlive Zachary by almost 3 years.

Zachary was a precocious little guy- just fearless and busy, busy, busy.

He was diagnosed with lympho sarcoma in the fall of 2002. He only lived a month. Just about broke my heart.