The fuzzy grey thing in the foreground is Maddie's insanely plushy tail.
Yesterday we had a bit of kitten trauma. The kiddens were playing chase, merrily leaping over the furniture, when Maddie chased Ripley up over the sofa onto my desk, where upon the two of them went sliding off the edge in a shower of staplers, mail and other desky stuff.
Ripley was so frightened she went and hid under the bed. Took me half an hour to calm her down. I was so concerned that she was injured that I almost packed her up and took her to the vet. (I'm not sure if she got hit with something or not, or if the noise just scared her). She quickly recovered though, and was back to her hellion ways within the hour and was none the worse for wear.
Funny little munchkin.
Well. I think I'd need a nap too after that much excitement.
Glad they're both ok.
Someday we gotta have a Tail Competition between Lola and Maddie...
poor Ripley! She's just a tiny little kitten, she doesn't know much about this big bad world yet. Hug her for us (and her sister too)
Someday we gotta have a Tail Competition between Lola and Maddie...
Lola has a great tail, but Maddie's is almost supernatural.
I've never seen anything like it.
Tail Competition between Lola and Maddie...
TAIL COMPETITION! Yeay, Yes, Hurrah.
Great Idea!
Hi 4LG - having had several rescues, I have a theory, that like humans who have been traumatized at an early age, there ae changes in brain chemistry that occue, leading to, in humans, the diagnosis of PTSD. I wonder if that was what little Ripley experienced? High startle response, initial aggressiveness in new situations, etc. I have seen this in several dogs of calms down after awhile - I believe the brain re - programs -
Anyhoo - sorry for the longwindedness - but just the thought that this is going to clear up.
love to the kiddies
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