Kittenz, astronomy, science, photography and other four-legged snarky stuff.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
For Flory
You big whiner. Centaurs need rest too ya know.
This one's a little blurry, but I always love to see her adorable pink tongue.
Hanging out.
Miss Chainsaw being picturesque. She's so funny, she follows me everywhere.
Good for Flory! If she didn't nag, we might not get our Saturday kittens.
Ms. Chainsaw has obviously imprinted on you, thinking that you are her parent duck (or Centaur.)
She also is determined not to be homeless again, so keeps close track of her home (home = Centaur.) Smart little thing.
Maddie is looking as if her fur coat, with its extravagant pattern, is to big for her little torso. That eight pounds is mostly muscle, so her torso has more growing to do.
Maddie is now in the debutante stage. Effortlessly beautiful.
Does Ripley follow Maddie around too, or just you? 'cuz Alfie follows me, the dogs, and Ira. Following and imitating. If the big cat is sitting on the back of the sofa, the little cat imitates him. If the dog is taking a nap, the kidden spoons in front of him and follows suit. His little sandbox is in the master bathroom and when I have to take a bathroom break, he usually takes a sandbox break too.
Ripley's following you is both sweet and sad! Poor little thing, she was probably kicked out of her former home, and afraid it will happen again. You would never do that, but she doesn't know it yet.
Aha! Something was naggingly familiar about Ms. Chainsaw's pic, and I finally figured it out. It reminded me of this logo from a local railroad, now long gone.
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Good for Flory! If she didn't nag, we might not get our Saturday kittens.
Ms. Chainsaw has obviously imprinted on you, thinking that you are her parent duck (or Centaur.)
She also is determined not to be homeless again, so keeps close track of her home (home = Centaur.) Smart little thing.
Maddie is looking as if her fur coat, with its extravagant pattern, is to big for her little torso. That eight pounds is mostly muscle, so her torso has more growing to do.
Thanks, 4lg. You too, Flory. ;)
Hey, you gotta have kiddens on Caturday! Your girls are just so lovely we never get tired of them.
ooooo they so cute!
Maddie is now in the debutante stage. Effortlessly beautiful.
Does Ripley follow Maddie around too, or just you? 'cuz Alfie follows me, the dogs, and Ira. Following and imitating. If the big cat is sitting on the back of the sofa, the little cat imitates him. If the dog is taking a nap, the kidden spoons in front of him and follows suit. His little sandbox is in the master bathroom and when I have to take a bathroom break, he usually takes a sandbox break too.
(i guess that last bit was a little TMI...)
Virgotex - LOL at Alfie's antics.
I love Maddie's pink tongue, too. Someone here called it a rose petal and I agree!
And Ripley has an adorable face. Very photogenic. I think it's so sweet that she follows 4Leg.
Ripley's following you is both sweet and sad! Poor little thing, she was probably kicked out of her former home, and afraid it will happen again. You would never do that, but she doesn't know it yet.
You're a very good centaur. And the Satiddy kiddenz is as cute as evah.
Now its Sunday.
What? I'm just sayin'.........
Does Ripley follow Maddie around too, or just you?
Nope, just me. They do tend to find each other when it's nap time though.
Right now they're playing chase. Teh cute. Both of them are racing around with their eyes all wild and their tails all puffed up.
Dear Centaur,
Thank you for the kiddenz pix.
I have become an addict here because of them.
The Other Sarah
Rumple fur! Did someone just wake up from her nap? So very cute.
My girls follow me around like shadows on a sunny day. I don't see why Miss Chainsaw and Miss Maddie would act any different with you!
Both of them are racing around with their eyes all wild and their tails all puffed up.
oh. is there crab-walking? I love kitty crabwalking
I will not choose favorites. I will not choose favorites. I will not choose favorites. I will not ....
oh. is there crab-walking?
There is ALWAYS lots of crabwalking.
Poopyman, no need for favorites. They are both delightful.
Flory at 1:14 pm
Flory dear, now you are being greedy.
Our Centaur does deserve at least one day off on a three day weekend.
Stiff upper lip, quit cold turkey for a day or so, and Patience. That'll get you through.
Aha! Something was naggingly familiar about Ms. Chainsaw's pic, and I finally figured it out. It reminded me of this logo from a local railroad, now long gone.
I'm not greedy. I'm encouraging 4lg to practice with the camera, as a good sister should.....
Besides, now its Monday......
"their tails all puffed up"
In my household, I call that appearance "squirrel tail"! :)
They are precious!!! I needed a Centaur-kiddenz fix!!!
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