Thursday, June 28, 2007

Coultergeist Sucks and David Gregory is a sock puppet

As John says, there are just so many things wrong with David Gregory's line of questioning to Elizabeth Edwards.
Not kidding. According to NBC's David Gregory we're all missing the very important points that Ann Coulter makes because we get caught up in her hate speech. He just said to Elizabeth Edwards "if you strip away some of the inflammatory rhetoric against your husband and other Democrats, the point she's trying to make about your husband, Senator Edwards, running for the White House is in effect that he's disingenuous..."
Watch the video at the link. It's completely unbelievable. If someone on the left were saying such things, would Gregory be "stripping away the hate speech to get to the point?

No, he wouldn't. He'd be busy calling every sitting democratic congressman and senator to get them to denounce that person.

Elizabeth Edwards is entirely correct- this issue is the hate speech.

What boobs like David Gregory fail to recognize is that Coulter is just an extreme practicioner of a tried and true tactic employed by the right. It's called DESTROY THE MESSENGER.

If you can belittle your opponent with personal attacks, no one will take them seriously. So John Edwards' good work on poverty gets reduced to a "PR ploy to keep his profile high."

What complete and utter bullshit. The media has absorbed swiftboating as a perfectly acceptable thing to do. They need to stop it now. Just stop. Quit enabling the ann coulter's of the world.

As Jon Stewart famously said, "You're hurting America."


zoe said...

I heard this and I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT!! Absolutely right, it is about HATE SPEECH> Did you see Coulter tossing her hair around in a oh-so-dismissive manner when Edwards was talking to her? Absolutely disgusting.

Anonymous said...

I don't even want to watch it. These people disgust me. And worry the shit out of me.

When the entire fourth estate is in the tank for a group of people that are destroying my country, I get very worried.

On the bright side...all this extra publicity is prolly doing wonders for Edwards fundraising and poll numbers.


Anonymous said...

To quote a friend of mine, "what is wrong with these people?"


Anonymous said...
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four legs good said...

When the entire fourth estate is in the tank for a group of people that are destroying my country, I get very worried.

Honestly, sometimes I just think some of them are stupid.

It's so obvious what the rethugs do, and they fall for it over and over and over.

Anonymous said...

What is David Gregory angling for? A Today Show gig? Get away from that reporting shit, with the need to know so many things and context and all that tedious stuff?

Oh, and what he was saying seems to be an RNC talking point--being used by more than one blowdried pseudo journalist on teevee.