Tuesday, October 16, 2007

New kittehs

Wut? I'ze napping.

Nao U scritch mah ears.

I iz pirate. U beware.

Nao U admire mah fluffy tummeee.


Anonymous said...


(your site is now blocked at work :-()

Buckeye, Dealer of Rare Coins

four legs good said...

My site is blocked? It's just kitteh pictures. Good grief.

Hecate said...

I love your cats

four legs good said...

They luvs U too!!

Anonymous said...

(your site is now blocked at work :-()

That's just downright unamerican......

Anonymous said...

Apparently Websense thinks cat pictures might be 'damaging'. It's weird, because previous incarnations of WebSense(less) haven't blockd Plush Life. And other Blogger sites are allowed.

I'm trying to figure out a way to get IT to unblock it while making it seem work-related.

Buckeye, Dealer of Rare Coins

Anonymous said...

Oh, ME! Ms. Ripley Precious, pick Me!
(Jumps up and down, slashing tail to get attention.) Pick Me please!

I will scritch ur pretty shell pink ears. and nibble them, and nuzzle, lick, and, and and … I'm speechless with excitement!

Can I snuggle up to U to share ur nap, pretty Kitty?
Snuggling naps are so nice when it's cold and rainy out. I was quite wet when I came in for dinner, I'd been out eating delicious wet grass.

We're watching those ball playing guys again. Our human is so mad at the Red Sockless ones that she's quit brushing us.

Wish I could come to ur house, U look so snug.

Silkey, damp fan

Sandy-LA 90034 said...

I sure do wish I cuddle one or both of these two plushy-tummied girls. Makes my day to come home to these two cuties!

Caminante said...


that's me face in ur tummeee ripplee.

Caminante said...

or is it maddie? wrong cat?

don't matter, what a tummee.

ThePoliticalCat said...

Ripley Chainsaw sure has turned into a cute, precious, winsome little lovefluffy. Maddie is her Princesslike self as always, round-eyed with wonder, but I'm really pleased that Ripley, who was rescued from a horrid cell, turned out so well. Such a pretty pair of gurlz. I scritch ur ers now and smushface your belly.

ThePoliticalCat said...

Ooh, buckeye, I just figured out why the site is blocked. It's anaconda all those weird people who dress up as stuffed toys (plushies) to get their jollies.

Anonymous said...

What The Political Cat said … abt Websense blocking this site.

Unless the Websense techies who chose to block Plush Life are such serious perverts that they get excited by genuine pretty pussies!

Or those techies are so stupid that they think our sometime references to "kitty pRon" actually refer to the real thing.

Or the NSA is after Four Legs, and is making electronic life difficult for our Centaur. A flaming liberal in Texas may scare the loyal Bushies.

Anonymous said...

I have access to the site, now. Don't know what happened. The IT guys don't individually block sites unless asked, so I think this was a WebSense(less) screw up.

Buckeye, Dealer of Rare Coins

four legs good said...

Who R these websense wankers and do I need to shoot them into teh sun?