Wednesday, April 02, 2008


Portrait of a very, very, very bad kitteh who killed ANOTHER power cord to teh centaur's MacBook pro.

Riplee thinks she's a puppeh, wuts wrong wif her? always chewing on stuff, I nevah chews on stuff can I haz scritches?


Hecate said...

I love those cats!

four legs good said...

Would you like one?

Caminante said...

Oh noes, how did she kill it? Chewing on it? Doend she noe that iz expenziev???

Anonymous said...

Riplee wins!

Guess you'll just have to detach the cord and hide it away when you're not using it.


four legs good said...

Apparently so.

And nao I haz to go BACK to teh Apple store tomorrow.

I iz unhappy centaur.

steve simels said...

Back in the day, when I had about ten thousand LPs in boxes, my two cats -- the late sainted Murray and his daughter Claire -- chewed their way alphabetically on the corners of the album covers from A to H before I decided to sell the collection.

But before that it was kind of a useful way to remember who I had lent albums to. If I was at a friend's house and the corner of an album had been chewed I knew it was mine...

Anonymous said...

Ms. Ripley Sweetheart, be careful biting electrical cords, they can bite back!

Electrical stuff can give you a painful bite with no blood and no fang marks … but still hurtful.

Plus ur Centaur sounds really mad at U. Does the Centaur beat U? Our human is threatening to beat Silver an Me for flitting off to visit U an Maddie.

But the delight of ur company was worth any price. To luxuriate in the aura of ur great ruff, to actually nuzzle ur delicate pink nose … such gifts are worth a beating!

Silkey, happy fan

Anonymous said...

Ripley's all like, "Who, me? I nevah woulda did dat. I iz bin framed!"

Anonymous said...

Centaur? I notice that there's still a bottle of Bitter Apple here - can I send it you? (Little Gurlz are NOT puppies!)

/Arthur J. GWPDA

Anonymous said...

Mz Ripley, you have the loveliest mug shot I have ever seen. That downward tilt of the head suggesting remorse--absolute perfection! Sigh....

Simon Henry

zoe said...

she appears unrepentant.....hmmmmm

four legs good said...

She is completely unrepentant.

Anonymous said...

Sorry i gave U credit for coming on our great wormhole adventure, when U didn't. Since I'd publicly invited U along on a thread here, the Gurlz admirers might have thought U were a party pooper.

I was trying to save ur reputation, ur dignity as a Cat.

Silkey, misunderstood fan