Thursday, April 03, 2008


U come closer...

I noes U want to snorgle mah belleeeee.....

(high resolution pics- click for plushy details of snorgalicious variety)


Anonymous said...
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four legs good said...

Spammers, U just fuck off and die plze

Anonymous said...

Of course I want to snorgle ur bellee, Sweetfooted One. Of course I want to come closer … to U.

But I'm getting jealous abt there being so many other admirers here who want the same thing.

I want U all to myself! Damn these restrictions the humans put on us!

I tell U, glorious Gurl, when the revolution comes we will be free!

Silkey, rebel fan

Anonymous said...

I lurves teh floofy gurlz. Delicious, and gud 4 U.

zoe said...


Caminante said...


I iz died n gone to heaven after snorgling in that plushiness, umhm.