I had crossed eyes until I was 5 or 6, so I can sympathize.
Speaking of sympathy, my mother-lovin' borg has now decided you and Atrios are "social networking sites" and have blocked them. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Think they're gonna get more work out of me, think again, motherfuckers. It's "I don't give a shit" from here on out. To the extent that I can get away with it, anyway. "Social networking site." No, it's more of a "We're on to you greedy, dumbshit borg motherfuckers and your stupid, greedy, dumbshit CEO preznit fuckhead, and we're not going to let you get away with this shit anymore" site. But I digress.
Gurlz--- doan worry so much. Everything is goan to be okay. The elders are gonna step in an amke this allright. Milktabs for all.
Have you seen this? Amazing woman. "Cat House on the Kings"... Great video!
Ripley, sweetest of Kittehs, doan cross ur eyes like that! They might get stuck!
I would luv U even with crossed eyes, of course, but U are perfect as U are now.
Bad day in CA today. The wind is blowing tree branches down, and cats and dogs head over heels. So we can't go play outside. Rats!
Silkey, grumpy fan
I had crossed eyes until I was 5 or 6, so I can sympathize.
Speaking of sympathy, my mother-lovin' borg has now decided you and Atrios are "social networking sites" and have blocked them. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Think they're gonna get more work out of me, think again, motherfuckers. It's "I don't give a shit" from here on out. To the extent that I can get away with it, anyway. "Social networking site." No, it's more of a "We're on to you greedy, dumbshit borg motherfuckers and your stupid, greedy, dumbshit CEO preznit fuckhead, and we're not going to let you get away with this shit anymore" site. But I digress.
So, I'll be seeing y'all a little less...
Isn't one of teh kittenslaves jobs to rescue teh lost milkrings from teh couch?
U izn't doin' ur job.
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