... please bear with me while I deal with a work crisis. Cat blogging will resume on a regular basis shortly - sadly, at the moment I just have had time to take any kitteh new kitteh pictures.
The girls are perfectly fine, though the are a little miffed that I've been working so much.
Do not apologize, 4lg! We are patient slaves. Please take care of yourself and pet the Gurlz often to help alleviate your stress (and theirs)! We hope the w-o-r-k thing is resolved soon with little or no bloodshed, especially yours.
We send many comforting, friendly hugs to all! Tell the Gurlz to imagine they're romping wildly through the White House with you and the little Obama gurlz!
from grandefille and HarryCat
Tell the Gurlz to imagine they're romping wildly through the White House with you and the little Obama gurlz!
"What city are you in, Maddie?!"
Welcome back Fluffy Ones!
How good to see ur pretty faces in the morning.
Gotta go chase mice, talk to U later.
Silkey fan, fan, fan
Doan worry, 4Legs. Enjoy teh happy peeps in Denver (on teebee). We lieks reruns of kittehs.
Glad to know you are still breathing. Although I get pissy when I see the same lightening picture all the time, I try to remember that bloggers have a life too!
Hope yours calms down soon.
Big-eyed Plushies are acceptable anytime.
Good wishes on your work crisis. We can always check the weather reports for Austin to make sure Centaur and Kittehs aren't being flooded out or blown away.
Tho moving up to the second floor is some protection in soggy climates.
Work crises suck. Glad you and the plushy girlz are ok.
Ripley, something is wrong with my human! I'm worried.
She's dancing around singing "No How, No Way, No Mccain!" And giggling!!1
Do U think she's sick, or going barking mad? Does ur kittenslave ever act like this?
Silkey, scared fan
Silkey, don't be worried. Your human is very normal and happy. Many people will use that phrase for the next 3 months, until the election is over.
*scritches for Silkey*
Aww, thnx, U r kind. And correct. She served our breakfast this a.m. and petted us some while she read the paper, so all is normal.
We watched that convention thingie along with her. Those humans sure talk a lot, tho some yap more like those little dogs.
Humans are odd, sometimes.
Silkey and Silver
That second photo looks just like a Lesley Ivory painting -- gorgeous.
Deal with your crisis. We'll wait for you and might do it less forcefully than the gurrlz (no hairballs or fights).
Reruns are okay with us, as long as Plushies and Centaur are okay. After all, a thing of beauty (err, kitteh) is a joy forever.
Simon & Ollie invite the grlz to slip through the wormhole and come to our house for brushies and play when their Centaur is busy.
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