Thursday, April 09, 2009


Come closer Maddie so I canz smaxx U!!

That wuz funz.

Noes I not comz closer. I seez U waiting to jump on mah haid.

WHo me?? Do I look like a haid jumper onner?

Daily life chez fourlegsgood. UR internet starz hard at werk!! (as always, click on teh photos to see complete plushy guudness)


Culture of TrÜth said...

Nawt teh haid!!!!

four legs good said...

Oh yes, teh haid!!

Plum Pudding said...

does cheezburger talk come in french too?

snuffella said...

wowzers! they is so beeyouteefull!

Polly said...

Plum Pudding

I believe the French version of *cheeseburger* captions would be more like
I can haz croissant, ham n cheese croissant?

Anonymous said...

I love the blue in the background of this one! (although they are all gorgeous!)

