Sunday, January 22, 2006

Give me liberty

Molly Ivins has an excellent column up with a simple message. "Get a spine, you wimpy ass democrats!"
The recent death of Gene McCarthy reminded me of a lesson I spent a long time unlearning, so now I have to relearn it. It's about political courage and heroes, and when a country is desperate for leadership. There are times when regular politics will not do, and this is one of those times.

We are at a dangerous crossroads that is every bit as perilous as the one our nation faced during the revolution. This is not the time for think-tanks, or focus groups, or for wimpy ass strategizing by useless democratic consultants. This is a time for leadership.

When our forefathers wrote the Declaration of Independence, they didn't monkey around. They didn't say, "excuse me your highness... would you please, pretty please, maybe consider our grievances? we don't wanna make you mad or anything but can you quit being mean to us?" No, they said, "you are a tyrant and we're cutting your ass off, and if you don't like it, bring it."

Okay, I paraphrase. But you get the point. In the face of overwhelming and terrifying odds, they stood up. They stood up because it was the right thing to do.

Pay attention democratic pols. Quit worrying about the republican machine, the media or what Karl thinks. Start speaking plainly and forcefully about policies that you know are right for america. Molly is right. The vast percentage of people are with us on these things. We are the center. But that's not what's important to me.

What's important is doing what's right. It's the right thing to do to support civil liberties, women's reproductive rights, universal healthcare, and peace. Who gives a fuck whether it's popular or not? It's right. Do it because it's right.

When Patrick Henry said, "Give me liberty or give me death," he wasn't fucking around. We shoudn't be either. There is too much at stake. We are not going to get a do-over on this. If America slides into religious despotism, there isn't going to be any way back.

It's time for you guys to stand up. Do that, and people will follow.

1 comment:

flory said...

Its just kinda sorta maybe possibly almost happening that the message is starting to sink in.

Too fucking bad Kerry didn't figure it out 15 months ago.....