Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Holy Cow! Delay strikes again?

Via Josh at Talking Points Memo, it appears that it's Scanlon who dug up the dirt on Livingston to derail his bid to become speaker.
Jack Abramoff's partner Mike Scanlon admitted to digging up former Congressman Robert Livingston's private life. Set to become speaker, Livingston then got sidelined for Tom DeLay's man Denis Hastert. Prosecutors now checking if Abramoff and Scanlon took Livingston down at DeLay's behest.

Original item ran in the New York Post's column by Cindy Adams. File this under "when Republicans eat their own."

1 comment:

flory said...

Why are prosecutors looking into this? Nothing illegal about spreading stories about politicians is there?

If there is KKKarl is in a whole shitpot of trouble.