Wednesday, February 08, 2006

On Bipartisianship

Just a couple of thoughts on the Obama/McCranky flap.

It seems to me that the problem here is the definition of "bipartisan." Remember that Grover Norquist said that, "bipartisanship is just another word for date-rape." Republicans have internalized that definition during the past 4 years. Their idea of "working together" is that the democrats shuffle in like good little ass-wipped chillens and get with the republican program.

Silly Obama, expecting to bring his ideas to the table. Whatever was he thinking? (/sarcasm)

And Sen. Joementum! yeah, I'm talking to you. Thanks for fucking nothing. You are now officially "part of the problem." It's time for you to get out of the way. You're hurting America.


Anonymous said...


--her eyes

Hecate said...

II think McCain pwn3d Obama. I'm disappointed because I had high hopes for Obama.

four legs good said...

I think you're right, but I still think I've got the dynamic right.

Rethugs think bipartisanship means dems rolling over.

They need to get mean.