Friday, June 16, 2006

Bonus kitties

Here is.... ummm, I don't know his name, but he's the homely kitty that lives upstairs and comes down to hang out with Maxx.
He's taken to coming in the apartment, which Maxx actually tolerates, though he does make sure homely kitty knows exactly whose house it is.

And of course here's lion kitty Maxx, demonstrating why he's the plushiest kitty of them all.


Anonymous said...

The neighbor cat is not homely. Just because Maxx is better groomed, naturally Plushier, with the soigne sophistication of the photographer's model is no reason to let him get puffed up over his good looks.

Many celebrities have less glamorous but comfortable friends. Nice for Maxx to have one, too

four legs good said...

Trust me, this is a homely cat.

Nice, but homely.

Anonymous said...

Is homely kitty related to lkm?

There appears to be a sort of resemblance: They both have that "M" mark between/above the eyes, the set & color of their eyes also appear very similar, and homely kitty has her own ruff, too.

four legs good said...

Nope, not related at all.

The "M" between the eyes is common to all tabby cats, long haired or otherwise.

Homely kitty doesn't have much of a ruff, and his tail isn't as luxiuriant as Maxx's, but he's a nice kitty.

flory said...

I agree with Polly. Just because Maxx got lucky in the kitty gene pool is no reason to be calling other kitties names.


Homely kitty indeed!

four legs good said...

I'd call him by his name if I knew it.

Maybe we should name him.

flory said...

What does Lion Kitty call him?

four legs good said...

I have no idea.

I think his owner puts him out and leaves him out to wander all night.

I make lion kitty come in and sleep in the house. On his very own blankey.

flory said...

Well, of course you do. You're a very good parent.

Lonely Kitty (LK for short, a nicer name than Homely Kitty) has a negligent parent that lets him wander all night.

Do *you* know where your kitty is?

lucidlupin said...

Yes, 'cos they havnt been out for about a year....

BUT last of jabs today then the cat flap opens! ;)