He always looks annoyed these days, doesn't he? It must be the heat.
Update: Just in case any of you are worried, he's actually not annoyed with life at all. He spents oodles of time purring and being a cuddlemonster.
Kittenz, astronomy, science, photography and other four-legged snarky stuff.
Yes, but he likes being combed even better. It gets out all the dead underfur.
He loves that- he just purrs and purrs and purrs.
Lucky you. Our recently departed Spike, who could be a twin to Plushy with a slash of white across his face, hated, hated, HATED the brush or comb. And boy did he need it all the time, as you well know, I'm sure.
Poopyman (the real one) is also a longhair, and with work I'm getting him used to brushing. But being a tuxedo (a twin to Hidey, as a matter of fact), these things take time to defeat their natural prejudices.
All I have to do is pick up the brush and zip! my precious appears ready for some serious brush action. She loves it and will even rub her face on the brush if it is lying on the ground.
Oh, my GAWD, the PLUSHERY!!! I'm sorry. I'll try to control myself. But I JUST WANT TO RUB MY FACE ON THAT PLUSH, PLUSH BODY!!! Whew! That's better. I'm under control now.
Ah, thank God. I needed some pretty kitty piccies.
Well, its easy to see why the gravel doesn't bother him. All that furry padding.....
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