Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Plushy mind wipe

When all the news is bad, ease your fevered brains with a little plushy fix.


Anonymous said...

Awww!!! And he's even got the minion appropriately minionized. Yes, the news this past week has been the pits and only Plushy lifts the heart and sets it free to soar again. Although your bridge pic is so gorgeous, I think I'll dust off my camera this weekend.

watertiger said...

Oh, sweetness.

He is Maxximus.

four legs good said...

Although your bridge pic is so gorgeous, I think I'll dust off my camera this weekend.

That one's gorgeous, but it's not mine. I've been so busy I've barely had time to feed the plushy hordes.

Vicki said...

Awwhhh. Great pic! Just seeing Maxx lowers my bp by 20 points!

Anonymous said...

Maxx looks very Buddha-like. Zen and the art of power napping.

flory said...



If Plushy can make nice with the Peeps...why can't humans do the same?

four legs good said...

If Plushy can make nice with the Peeps...why can't humans do the same?

Humans just bite peeps heads off and pop them into the microwave.

ThePoliticalCat said...

Mr. Plushy would never bite a peep's head off. That's the best peep-part to rest his little chin setae on. Frankly, my cats are getting quite jealous about how much time I spend adoring The Plush One. Especially now that I've combed through all his archived pix. But the worse the world gets, the more I need my Plushy fix.