Saturday, July 28, 2007

Maddie Madness!!

My grownup, beautiful girl.

Diz tail has a flavr.


Unknown said...

Equal time for the Riple One!

Sandy-LA 90034 said...

The grooming of her tail alone must require much of her time. She (and her tail) are awesome!

What a change from our little sweetheart kitten to this gorgeous female.

Anonymous said...

I always thought Maddy was a charmingly funny-looking kitten (at least in her pix), what with her huge ears, spiky ruff-in-training, and her enormous eyes and little face in a constant state of wild surmise... and now look at her! It's all come together in EXTREME beauty, and still with that air of wide-eyed enthusiasm.

You must be a proud kitteh mama!
Li'l Innocent