Kittenz, astronomy, science, photography and other four-legged snarky stuff.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Wednesday kittenzzz
If it seems like there have been more Ripley than Maddie photos lately, you're right. It's because I get *this* look lately. "Doan flashy-thing me I hert U bad"
"Halp me obeee-wan kenobeeee U mah onlee hope"
Oh, the sheer eeeepiness of the little pawsie laying on the little tummy.
those sweet little feet. i get all weird , i want to go cuchie coo.
those sweet little feet. i get all weird , i want to go cuchie coo.
ah. angelFeetsies
Give in to the temptation!!!!
Teenagers...whatcha gonna do? Maddie will outgrow it—then it'll be Ripley's turn!
are those teh Ripleeee's plushy feetz all splayed out? wow!!!1!1!!!!
teh impressed and eeep'd!!!
I hert U bad
Maddie would threaten her kittenslave? I don't believe it. Not that sweet little thing.
Has she been watching violent TV ? Deadwood, "24", George Bush speeches?
Ms. Chainsaw … you don't need that furriner obe-wan, I'll help you.
Call on me anytime, for anything. I'm learning to use my new particle accelerator, and hope to open a wormhole to Texas soon.
Tho from that photo I can't tell what you need help with. ? You look deliciously comfy to me. And your little white pawsies are enchanting.
Silkey, your ardent fan
White pawsies with pink toesies equal a greater than 10 on the eeeepiness scale.
I hope Maddie outgrows her teenaged resistance to the flashy thingy. She's such a regal princess and we miss her.
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