Friday, March 10, 2006

early friday maxx blogging

Hoo boy, this is what happens when 4lgs is too lazy to put the flash on the camera and fix the white balance. Better pictures later.


four legs good said...

He does look a little alien there. Or maybe possessed.

Poor sad kitty- he's depressed because I haven't been home much.

Dunderdad said...

actually the soft focus makes him look rather... well... SEXY!


four legs good said...

Yes, but the color is all fucked up (and this is after I fixed it, LOL.)

four legs good said...

I came home from errands and found Mikey staring at Maxx, as if to say, dude, you da man.

That's hilarious.

Maxx is delighted to hear he's your frequent screen saver.

Sandy-LA 90034 said...

I'll have to figure out how to use him as MY screensaver -- I'll alternate between Lion Kitty Maxx, Jeff's Curly and NTodd's critters (maybe even Moonbootica's gorgeous cats).

But even though you're unhappy with the shot, I LOVED it. It's a very sweet picture of lion kitty Maxx. A lovely kind of hopeful expression. Maybe he's heard that David Brooks said the Republicans, after this week's bad news for Bush, are now actually worried they'll lose the HOUSE!