Cassini Spots Water Geyers on Saturn Moon
LOS ANGELES - The orbiting Cassini spacecraft has spotted what appear to be water geysers on one of Saturn's icy moons, raising the tantalizing possibility that the celestial object harbors life.
The surprising images from the moon Enceladus represent some of the most dramatic evidence yet that water in liquid form may be present beyond the Earth.
Excited by the discovery, some scientists said Enceladus should be added to the short list of places within the solar system most likely to have extraterrestrial life.
Good to know. We may need a place to run to after Bushco gets through fucking up this planet.
Good luck to the Mars Reconaissance Orbiter!
Indeed! it should be an exciting day.
Until we stop and think about all the budget cuts to NASA missions that is. Feh.
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