Sunday, April 09, 2006

Hiatt is an asshat

I'm too tired to dissect the nonsense that appeared in the Washington Post this morning: A Good Leak. Luckily, Jane Hamsher has done it for us: Does Fred Hiatt Even Read the Washington Post? The answer, dearest Jane, is that he does not. From Jane's most excellent smackdown:
The new Washington Post editorial, an enormous turd that editorial page editor Fred Hiatt no doubt wrote, is such an unmittigated piece of BushCo. propaganda, such a giant bag of bullshit it deserves to be taken apart, piece by piece and beaten into the ground. Armando has a rundown of Hiatt’s bloodthirsty warmongering for which the paper will one day soon be held to account. But today’s editorial on the BushCo. leak shows just how the Post is earning its reputation for being just a few shades less reliable than PRAVDA.

Really, please go read the whole thing. I find it a little frightening that Bush apologists are so delusional, and so invested in their hero's success, that they'll go to such lengths to defend the indefensible.

Bottom line, Bush released classified information, not in the public interest, but to protect his own sorry ass and to punish a political opponent.

That's unforgiveable. I don't care whether it's technically legal or not. It's wrong. Period. End of story.

The president is not supposed to use the apparatus of the state to punish his perceived enemies. That's abuse of power.

He deserves to be thrown out on his worthless ass.


flory said...

You do know what the only real antidote to WaPo wankery is don't you?

Hint: Begins with a "P".....

Anonymous said...

E&P has a good take, as well, via Americablog.

I knew Bushco was going to get desperate in its waning hours, but this kind of flamethrowing of pure b.s., combined with the nuke Iran strategery [sic], is just blood curdling.

The ideas of the public welfare, of civil discourse, of inalienable human rights are just beyond this cabal's understanding.

. . . shivers . . .

four legs good said...

Hint: Begins with a "P".....

Potatos? pomegranates? peanut butter cups?

I give up.

Anonymous said...

Plushiness! ;)