Not a great photo, Ripley is out of focus, and you can't see the size differential. Ripley is much closer to the camera, so the perspective is misleading.
Believe me- Ripley is only 1/2 Maddie's size.
Kittenz, astronomy, science, photography and other four-legged snarky stuff.
the beautiful sisters, together at last!
Maddie's looking like: ALIEN ALERT! Alien alert! And Ripley's saying: Hm, there's that flashy thing again. Gorgeous cats (both with white paws, smile).
They look so pretty together.
A plethora of plush!!
Maddie has always had a "surpirsed" look to me.
This pic needs the "Where did you come from?" caption.
These lovelies share white eye highlights, white ruffs, and distinctive coat markings. Looking forward to 4Legs' most excellent photographs of these two.
We believe you, we believe you. Abt their sizes.
Dr. House says "Everybody lies," but I'm sure you wouldn't lie abt your cats. The truth is too much fun.
Maddie's dark stripes look more distinct and darker. Is that because of the lighting, or are her stripes darkening as she grows up?
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