Okay, naming time!!
I am first on the list for this cute little girl. She was a stray, so I have to wait for 3 days to make sure no one claims her, but I'm going to be optimistic.
She's the funniest little thing- she was cocking her head and meowing and rolling over and sticking her little white feeties out at me. I think she'll be a good companion for princess Madeleine. She has the loveliest fur- grey with dark charcoal stripes on her legs, tummy and tail, and the fur on her back is more of a solid light grey with dark charcoal tips. She has white feets, a pink nose and nice long white whiskers and ear tufts.
And she's teh sweet. I can't wait to bring her home. Leave your suggestions in comments.
Update: Here's a blurry photo I took with my camera phone at the shelter. You can see how adorable she is.

I've always been partial to "Foofer," which is the name of my imaginary dog.
Looks like a "Whiff" to me. I had a cat with that name and she lived to almost 20.
Is that how you spell it?
Ozma -- the princess of Oz who never made it into a movie.
Good luck with the adoption, 4LG; she's a darling and I'm sure she and Maddie will be BFF.
Peace, V.
I appreciate how good you are to kitties....
I like Chloe. Madeline and Chloe. Sounds like the names of royalty to me. mrstrailerco
Either Chainsaw or Daphne.
Daphne is pretty.
I'm going with Eowyn, again.
Buckeye, Dealer of Rare Coins
I'd name her Pixel....
Oh, Eowyn might be nice.
Pink nose...made me think "Pink Ladies" which led to "Rizzo"! :)
at first glance she reminded me of NTodd's Sam.
How about Murphy, as in "Murphy Brown."
Maddie and Murphy sounds cute together (?)
oh joy! A new plush!
Penelope or Charlotte
I like Delphine. But she looks like the Molly that you should oughta have...
Molly's a possibility.
I'm liking Sophie too.
Is she plushy enough? I can't tell from the photos.
How can a kitty not be plushy enough?
But she looks like ... a Cinderella-princess.
Could she be a Modeste?
...The Other Sarah
Here are some other French names beginning with M that might go with Maddie:
Margery (Margi or maybe Maggie)
Marigold (Mari)
Melainie (dark-skinned)
Melodie (melody)
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