Mr. Plush is not a happy camper today. I tell him that going to the vet is going to make his mouth feel better, but he is having none of it.
All he knows is that I broke my promise and left him there for hours and the vet poked him in the mouth with a needle. And someone stuck a thermometer up his butt.... and he saw that package on the counter.... four legs is gonna make him take some nasty medicine tonight.
Sometimes the grownup -- that would be 4lg -- has to do things that the child -- Mr. Plushy -- doesn't like. For the child's benefit.
It's just part of being a parent.
And sometimes this causes the parent to resort to bribery.
Pate would be a good start....
I just love this site -- not just for beautiful Lion Kitty Maxx, but for the comments. When you're hot, you're hot and I end up laughing up a storm. Feels good on a Friday after a looooong hot week.
Have a great weekend all of you. Hope the boy feels better soon.
What's the matter with Maxx's mouth? Why does it hurt?
Did the Alien Carrot of Doom bite Lion Kitty?
When you tell us a story, don't leave out the important details.
Hey now, it's not really a bribe; think of it as...operant conditioning.
Maxx, as I understand, the pill thingy is over in the blink of an eye. But it is followed with a good face rub and your choice of particle accelerator or alien carrot chase! What a deal!
(I hope Maxx feels better soon!)
Get better, Maxx. You'll feel fine after the meds;)
Whatever's the matter with Maxx? Please tell me he's not ill with something horrible. Now I'll worry about him all weekend. I'll be checking back. Maybe it was all the Peep's fault?
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