More ridiculous cuteness. He may be ill, but he's not about to surrender his "most cute plushy cat evah" crown anytime soon.
Note the plushy tummy and the upturned white toesies.
Kittenz, astronomy, science, photography and other four-legged snarky stuff.
He's so sweet. I love him like chocolate.
Mon kitten d'amour!
this cat need a big whole salmon for himself i say
Plum P
What an exhibitionist. Dose toes indeed....
He still cracks me up.
Ahh, Maxx!
Oh, plushynurse, thank you, noble centaur; I had despaired, when there were no updates -- but today there are two beautiful new photos of the Lion Kitty in all his plushy glory.
Thank you.
The Other Sarah
Oh my goodness. Rub that tummy! (so soft, so soft)
What a handsome boy you are, Maxx. I just want to rub you in that warm, furry spot between your front legs---unless, of course, you don't like that. I'm only now catching up on the Maxx news and am relieved to see more postings of your beautiful face. Bless you, little dude. You're awfully strong. (And FLG, keep listening closely to him; he'll tell you when he's had enough. They always do.)
hikerchick123 in the freezing PNW
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