Why the chimpy administration would send Cheney to the Middle East at this point is beyond me. He has been consistently wrong about everything since day one.
And guess what? everyone hates him. Everyone. Really, what is the fucking point?
I don't have to even guess what the guy in the middle of the photograph is writing. Without a doubt it's, "this guy truly IS an asshole. I wish I could shoot him in the face."
Meanwhile, out in the 100 degree heat:

Some soldiers who are fed up with the heat, dust, IEDs, sandspiders, repeated deployments and continual happy-talk from the fucking "commander guy" prepare to shoot Cheney in the face as soon as he emerges from his meeting.
Reuters Photo: Eduardo Munoz
Update: Oy. Via Froomkin, darth cheney addressed the troops today:
"'Well, Iraq's looking good,' Cheney responded. 'It's hard sometimes, if you look at just the news, to have the good stories burn through. Part of it is that what we're doing here, obviously, takes time. From our perspective, looking back, as I say, to a year and a half ago, I think it's remarkable progress. I think we've turned the corner, if you will. I think when we look back from 10 years hence, we'll see that the year '05 was in fact a watershed year here in Iraq."I'm pretty sure that takes the prize for most obviously wrong and boneheaded platitudes expressed in one quote. Seriously, Iraq's looking good? to whom? the sandspiders who are hoping to inherit the wreckage?
please tell me he didnt say "We have turned the corner" That is what the shithead said the last time he was in Baghdad. I think Chimpy sent him because the Secy of Sefense said HE was pissed off the Maliki govt was taking off 2 months vacation - the decider's mouthpiece was sent over to bully them...good luck
That's what I heard. Bush sent Cheney to tell them not to go on vacation. Good luck with that. Bush, of course, will take only a one-month August vacation from which nothing has ever deterred him.
So, why is Cheney visiting the UAE and Saudi Arabia? Perhaps they were thinking of summer vacations, too.
And as soon as Cheney left town, that congressional delegation of 11 Rethugs dropped by the Oval Office. Interesting timing. I'd love to see a transcript of that conversation.
Could Cheney threaten to cut off the oil profit payments into Maliki's secret Dubai bank accounts? Does anyone know who now controls sales of Iraq's oil?
I'll bet big chunks of that money are going to Maliki's government ministers, to keep them taking orders.
Um, that's actually a "flashback". It's what he said to the troops in 2005, not today.
I can't recall quite how I got here, but I sent the link to two friends--kitten pictures punctuated by anti-Bush rants, who could ask for anything better? Keep up the lovely work!
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