As Borat would say, "watch out, she bite."
We are learning this week that we may bite our teddy bear. We may bite our peeps. We may bite our mousies. We may even bite our sister if she lets us get away with it. But we MAY NOT BITE FOUR LEG's FEETIES.
No matter how appetizing they may look. Ah, what can you do? She's a kitten and she's teething.
Not ANY of them?????
C'mon, puleeeeeeeze????????????
Ah, the joys of children!!!
Maddie never chawed down on your toes, did she?
Our 8 yr old calico (trans.=cranky girl kitty) has a strong streak of spite in here. If you offend you she'll lash out with her teefies. It's a good thing we are her loving, enslaved Pink People.
Preview is my friend.... how many grammar errors could I stuff into one little post? (see above) arrrrrgh
Maddie never chawed down on your toes, did she?
Almost never. Maddie is an angel. The worst thing she ever does is grab my knees when she's trying to drop the milk ring in my lap to throw for her.
i had read somewhere if you yowl out like a bitten cat, she will understand -- or at least be shocked that you speak her language.
cat people -- is there a special technique for this??
i had read somewhere if you yowl out like a bitten cat, she will understand -- or at least be shocked that you speak her language.
That works with Maddie, with Ripley, not so much.
She takes that as confirmation that her biting is working and makes her bite harder.
Anyhoo, not to worry, she'll grow out of it and I can cope.
It's not a serious issue, though I'll bet it's why she ended up as a stray.
Now, how can you resist that face?
Ah, what can you do? She's a kitten and she's teething.
Forget the "yowling like a bitten cat". They know we aren't cats.
Try shouting "NO" loudly, angrily. That worked for a while, when my guys were kittens. Then they figured out I wouldn't really cut off their tails, and it didn't work so well.
Try shouting "NO" loudly, angrily. That worked for a while, when my guys were kittens. Then they figured out I wouldn't really cut off their tails, and it didn't work so well.
That doesn't work either.
It's now the water bottle.
It's not a serious issue, though I'll bet it's why she ended up as a stray.
She got lucky then. Ended up with you and Maddie instead of some nasty pibbles would put her out just for behaving like the baby she is....
Henriette bites a lot as well. Sometimes she hurts me and leaves marks on my flesh! It's not fun but there's not much i can do. When she's cranked up, i just have to look her in a room to cool down. I got her at 1 years old,her previous owner had her declawed (which i don't really approve of) i don't know what happened in her young life. But hell, i love her still! She's like a terrible two toddler sometimes. Real tantrums!
She's been a little angel tonight.
I think she's learning not to bite.
The other Sarah said,
4LG, I read your ideas.
I love your pics of the planets and stars, and of course Comet Maxx.
Um, this will gross you out, but ... bite back. The 18-pound ex-tomcat who still thinks he's a six-ounce kitten was not expecting me to bite his ear when he bit my thumb, and the shock has kept him from biting me for more than two years.
I learnt from his grandmere and his uncle Rushlight, by the way....
Oh, no, that's not gross.
She's being good tonight. I cut her some slack, she's just a baby and she only gets carried away when she's playing.
I used to pretend to cry when Faridah bit me (which she did for eleven of her 17 years, the brat). It always shocked her into a solicitous silence. Try it, what can it hurt. Poor little Ripley. She does look rather put out in that pic. "Oh, NOES, is my Centaur Mayaddd at meees?"
blowing in their face sometimes works. i've had two "a little bit bitey" ones.
A trick I learned for correcting bad behavior in puppies is to put a few pennies or pebbles in an empty soda can, create a noise-maker and keep it handy. At the first sign of the behavior you want to curtail, rattle that can vigorously and say no loudly at the same time. Startling them a few times like this is usually all it takes. Perhaps it will work with Ripley
When Karmina bites, I make the hissy sound that cats use as a defense. Works sometimes.
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