The first ones of the season. I love cannas, they're so obnoxiously festive and tropical. We've had a lot of rain this month, so everything is green and lush here.
Too bad it won't last.
Kittenz, astronomy, science, photography and other four-legged snarky stuff.
I love cannas too 4LG. So over the top.
They remind me of my grandma- she had a huge one right outside the back door and she would throw out the used dishwater on it- it apparently loved it because as I remember it (ancient history)the plant was f*ckin huge.
They die back here and the landscape people cut them almost to the ground.
Then magically they sprout back up in the spring.
j'aime beaucoup les fleurs mais je préfère les chats!
How is it that a flower so lovely, could have such gooey, smelly yuck when cut? Mother Nature's way of saying let it be?
Beautiful photography, as usual, FLG
Four Legs,
You mentioned at Atrios abt Ripley bonding with you at last, and following you around.
That's the kind of detail that your readers here would be interested in. Many of us can't keep up with all the threads over there.
Some of us might not even read Atrios' blog! Hard to believe, but possibly true.
We enjoy any scrap of info abt the Plushies' growth, development, temperament. Whatever you'd care to share.
....also more pitchers. It's Saturday....where's our Saturday kiddenz?
Okay Polly.
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