Chimpy wants carte blanche for his clusterfuck of a war. Bush would veto Democrats' new Iraq bill.
WASHINGTON - The White House threatened on Wednesday to veto a proposed House bill that would pay for the war only through July — a limit Defense Secretary Robert Gates warned would be disastrous.Well, tough titty Sec. Gates. I really don't give a good goddamn how hard this makes your job.
The warnings came as Democratic leaders wrestled with how to support the troops but still challenge President Bush on the war. Bush has requested more than $90 billion to sustain the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan through September.
Democrats were unbowed.
"With this latest veto threat, the president has once again chosen confrontation over cooperation," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
"In essence, the bill asks me to run the Department of Defense like a skiff, and I'm trying to drive the biggest supertanker in the world," Gates told senators Wednesday. "And we just don't have the agility to be able to manage a two-month appropriation very well."
My advice to democrats, since chimpy is unable and unwilling to do anything but throw a temper tantrum and insist on getting his own way, it's time to deauthorize and defund the war.
Amen, again.
Bush will veto all the bills the Dems send, so be done with it...do they have the grit? They'd better find it if they don't.
The dems need to pursue a twin track of (1) cutting Chimpy's legs out from under him insofar as running this glorious Oedipal war of his, and (2) opening up some serious talk about impeaching the smirking son of a bitch and removing this cancer from the American body, before it kills it.
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